How long is the season?
Enjoy 6 regular season games, a division tournament.
*a total of 7 weeks
How do I find my roster & schedule?
Our partnership with MOJO brings scheduling, coaching videos, and more to your phone.
When will I hear from my coach?
You should hear from your coach 5-7 days before Week 1 following the virtual coaches' meeting that will take place prior to the season.
Will there be any practices during the week?
No, we only require a 2-hour commitment from families each week. Therefore, any additional practices during or before the season are up to the individual coach and team. However, we only require that the coach does not penalize the athletes' playing time and use the practice to foster the love of the sport.
When will my player(s) receive their equipment?
Once teams are created, families will be invited to come to our uniform week, where players will be equipped with their jersey, flag, and mouthguard. Mouthguards are available at the field for $5 each week.
What other equipment will my player need this season?
Whether you’re new to the sport or a seasoned professional, there are a few essential pieces every player needs. Use our Flag Football Equipment Checklist to be prepared for your next game.
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